Al Meezan Industrial Metrology Services has been set up in Oct, 2016 by a pool of metrology professionals having +20 years of experience national (PCSIR Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Defense AFMETCALP) and international experience in Europe and Middle East.
AIMS (Al-Meezan Industrial Metrology Services) is being managed by professionals with diversified international experience in the metrology field as;
‣ Laboratory manager in public and private sector calibration laboratories over +20 years.
‣ Quality Manager for ISO 9001, 14001, 18001, 17020 and 17025.
‣ Metrology consultant dealing with construction / setting up of labs, procurement of metrology standard equipment, developing and implementing QMS, instructional and hands on training of technical staff, getting through certifications / accreditations and business development.
‣ Metrology Instructor providing 13 weeks in depth training in all metrology parameters.
‣ Technical Assessor with PNAC, ENAS and GAC for 17025: 2005 accreditation.
The Lab is furnished with state of the art calibration standard equipment from industry leader like Fluke, Budenberg, WIKA, Norbar, Mitutoyo, Time Electronics and PT global etc.
AIMS calibration standard equipment are having valid traceability from NPL (UK), NIST (USA), PTB (Germany) and NPSL (Pakistan).
AIMS QMS complies with all the requirement of ISO / IEC 17025: 2005 like traceability, proficiency testing/inter-lab comparisons, quality assurance and calculation of measurement uncertainties etc.
The lab infrastructure complies with the requirement of OIML G-13 to full fill, environmental, lighting and other relevant requirements.
AIMS Business Development strategy is focused on understanding customer requirement and cordial entertainment of customer feedback and complaints.
To facilitate trade and industry by providing QMS and metrology related training, consultancy and calibration services as per latest international standards and guidelines.
Scientific and technological advancement of a country demands an organized and globally connected metrology infrastructure. Scientific and legal metrology systems are normally taken care by public sector organizations like National Metrology Institutes and relevant ministries.
However, industrial metrology systems are dependent on traceable calibration services provided by private sector calibration laboratories.
In developing countries inadequate level of metrology education / awareness and incomplete traceability of measurement results bars the local production from highly competitive global market.
Calibration results accredited to ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 from ILAC MRA signatories like PNAC, GAC or DAC are like passports for locally produced goods and services to transit across the globe.
AIMS cherish a vision of providing complete traceability and assurance of measurement results to the BIPM through recognized NMI like NPL (UK), NIST (USA) and PTB (Germany) in compliance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025: 2005.